Dubuque Soil & Water Conservation district 



The Dubuque Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) was organized at the request of local citizens interested in soil and water conservation.  A charter was issued under the provisions of the Soil Conservation Districts' Law, Code of Iowa, Chapter 467A, on March 26, 1945.

The District is a subdivision of state government, governed by five District Commissioners who are elected at the general elections on a nonpartisan basis for four-year terms. District Commissioners are volunteer conservation promoters who are charge by the Iowa General Assembly with the restoration and conservation of the soil, water, and related natural resources of the county. Assistant Commissioners can be appointed by the SWCD Board to help implement District activities.

​Become A Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner


If you are interested in becoming an assistant commissioner, please contact us or attend a monthly meeting to learn more about these opportunities!

Pictured Left to Right: Mike Freiburger, Dennis Rauen,

Back Row:  Jeff Schmitt, Ken Behnke, Wayne Demmer

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The Waters We Conserve